Educate Your Employees on the Fundamentals of a “Tendon” to Reduce Workplace Injuries

Did you know, if you educate Your Employees on the fundamentals of “tendons and ligaments”, it can reduce your Workplace Injuries. By educating your employees on the basics of tendon and ligament injuries, you can drastically decrease the amount of repetitive motion injuries, sprains and strains, and other common OSHA recordable injuries. For example: if your employees know to use the RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) technique properly, they can avoid many types of cumulative trauma injuries that can exacerbate day after day. We all know that exercise, stretching, yoga, or some type of daily routine will decrease our waist lines, but do you also know that it will lessen the chance of cumulative trauma injuries, arthritis, sprains/strains, and many other types of workplace injuries? Here’s a quick lesson: More…

High Fiber Diet Leads to a Healthy Colon

Eating a high fiber diet can drastically reduce:

  • colon cancers
  • polyps
  • rectal abscesses
  • and pockets of inflammation

These can be irritating and painful, and affect productivity at work. Eat whole grains, fruit, or take a fiber supplement to insure you are eating correctly. The general rule of thumb for determining if you have enough fiber in your diet: does it sink or swim? Ask your nutritionist or medical doctor for further information.

What you can do if you’re an employer:

  • consider high fiber options for your vending machines
  • encourage employee’s to have annual checkups
  • post healthy eating information on employee bulletin boards
  • create an educational program for your employees outlining healthy eating habits (contact Proof:Positive for more information or consulting options)

Early Return to Work Program

return-to-work-107x159.jpgEarly Return-To-Work” is our proven, post-accident prevention program that minimizes workers’ compensation costs and reduces overall losses. The program’s goal is to coordinate and oversee, with proper medical approval, a plan for employees’ return to work, even if it requires a temporary shift in job responsibilities administered through our light-duty program—The Health and Wellness Room. The Proof:Positive Return-To-Work program can:

  • Foster and enhance the physical and psychological recovery process for the injured workers.
  • Reduce medical, disability, and lost time costs.
  • Reduce indirect accident costs.
  • Minimize the chance of re-injury.
  • Encourage cooperation between employees and management.
  • Establish a more stable workforce.
  • Enhance the injured employees sense of confidence and well-being.

Learn more…