If you are like most people, you suffer an injury from time to time. No matter if it is as severe as a herniated disc, or as miniscule as a paper cut, it is still an inconvenience. Some minor injuries, like a paper cut, can simply be avoided by being a little bit more careful and maybe doing our work a little bit slower. While the same rule applies to preventing major injuries, they also require a little bit more work on our part.
The best ‘treatment’ for injuries is prevention. Good agility, technical skills, and cardiovascular and musculoskeletal fitness are important in injury prevention. In order to achieve all of these things, a multiphasic training regimen (training regimen consisting of multiple phases) should be used. A good multiphasic training program should include warming up and cooling down, the use of safe and familiar equipment, muscle strengthening exercises, cardiovascular exercises, and the training of neurophysiological functions (balance, coordination and reaction time). These are all essential in preventing injuries and they become increasingly important as you get older.
When treating any major injury, one of the most important things to avoid is the detrimental effects of immobilization. Many people believe that if they are injured, the best thing for them to do is to sit at home and do nothing until their injury is fully healed. While this may be beneficial for the injured area, it is actually detrimental to the rest of their body. One of the worst things that you can do when you are injured is to sit and do nothing. Leading a sedentary lifestyle is linked with an increased risk for a very wide variety of different disorders and diseases. A well planned rehabilitation program with compensatory exercise therapy should be used in the treatment of any major injury.
Proof:Positive can work with your employees’ doctors and/or physical therapists to find out exactly what they should be doing for physical activity, and will work with them to construct a workout regimen that is tailored to their specific needs, and prevent future on-the-job injuries for your company.