Studies show that your mental health can influence your physical health. And certain personality traits – such as optimism or pessimism – can influence how well you live and even how long you live. It is important to create a positive atmosphere for your employees. It also very important to create that same environment for your injured employees. Having a positive mental outlook can also help promote healing. It is easy to forget about the physiological and psychological affects that an injury has on an employee.
Researchers evaluated results from a personality test taken by participants more than 30 years ago and compared them to the sudsequent mortality rates. They found that people who scored high on optimism had a 50 percent lower risk of premature death than those who scored more pessimistic. Besides a lowered risk of early death, researchers found other health benefits related to positive attitude. In the study, optimist reported:
- Fewer problems with work or other daily activities because of physical or emotional health
- Less pain and fewer limitations due to pain
- Less interference from physical or emotional problems when engaging in social activities
- Increased energy
- Feeling more peaceful, happier and calmer
Proof:Positive can provide a safe and educational environment in one of our many Health and Wellness Rooms. We will help the injured employee identify their injuries and educate them on the process of healing. The employee will be in a classroom environment that has all the amenities as a normal work place, which helps maintain a sense of worth by continuing to work while injured. One important difference between the work place and the Health and Wellness Room is that in the Health and Wellness Room the employee’s physical restrictions will be accommodated so that they have the time necessary to heal.
Educational material is provided to help employees understand their injury and gain an understanding of their healing process. Proof:Positive can help encourage the injured employees to continue their physical therapy and give them the positive reinforcement needed to help become optimistic of full recovery and return to work.
All of these factors and more have a positive effect on an employee’s mental attitude, and thus their speedy recovery.
For more info regarding Proof:Positive please contact us.