Opportunity Knocks After Workplace Injuries

The opportunity for you to obtain some knowledge after a workplace injury depends on you. Why sit waiting while injuried to heal without learning about your injury? Information can be provided by your Doctor and Therapist that might be clinical and hard to understand. Finding a place where you can be educated about your injury during recovery can be difficult, but can pay dividends if you take advantage. Take the opportunity when it knocks to learn about your injury and how to recover, and even prevent future injuries…all while staying off disability.

The Proof:Positive Health and Wellness Room present the opportunities to obtain information about your injury. A Health and Wellness Room provides a place to study your injury and learn more than what your Doctor might say about your injury. You can also learn how to prevent further injury, save yourself from future pain and suffering, get back to being productive, and stay that way. Another benefit of a Health and Wellness Room is that you can remain on your regular payroll and not have to go out on disablitiy.

Of course you would have to eligible for the Health and Wellness Room, and eligibility is determined by your Doctor and what work restrictions s/he writes for you. Most restrictions can be accomodated in a Health and Wellness Room, however, and recovery from work injuries is increased dramatically when an injured employee attends a Health and Wellness Room.

So, carpe diem, and help speed your recovery and your return to work. Take the opportunity to learn and heal at the same time. Increase your knowledge and awareness about work place injuries, and stay on payroll. Opportunities don’t always come along with horns blowing and flags flying – you have to answer the knock of opportunity after your injury. Ask your employer about the Health and Wellness Room option. Above all, you are the one who will benefit from time spent in the Health and Wellness Room.

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