Lifting and Carrying: Your Guide to a Healthy Back

Know the Facts

Back injuries affect millions of Americans, and can require medical attention.  Back injuries are a leading cause of job-related injuries.  They disable more than 400,000 people each year. It costs Americans nearly $75 billion annually for medical treatment, lost wages, and insurance claims. Back injuries can significantly limit a person’s physical activity. It is also the second leading cause of missed work days and lost wages.

Using good body mechanics to lift

  • Wear supportive shoes with traction
  • Bend and gently stretch to get ready
  • Test the load to see if you can handle it safely – if not get help from a co-worker or use mechanical aids
  • Keep a wide stance and solid footing
  • To improve balance, keep your heels down and turn feet slightly out
  • Tighten your stomach muscles
  • Do not hold your breath – exhale with the greatest exertion
  • Get a good grasp on the load
  • Keep the load close to your body to reduce strain
  • Keep your head up and trunk tall to maintain your natural curves
  • Lift steadily with your legs, not your back
  • Point feet in the direction of the move, don’t twist
  • Set the load down by squatting down and keeping the spine aligned

Eight of every ten adults will have low back problems at some time in their life.  And millions of people will suffer serious pain with long term physical problems. 

Injuries occur most often when back muscles are weak or by  improper lifting and carrying.  Weak muscles can make simple activities such as sitting, standing, or lifting potentially harmful.

Since most of us have a physical job your back must endure a vigorous daily workout.

By taking a few minutes each day to strengthen and stretch your muscles, you can prevent injuries and make your job easier on your back.

Information obtained from BLR

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