Keep Your Back Injury Free and Stay on the Job

Many occupations require routine lifting.  But, lifting the wrong way can lead to serious back injuries (and time off from work). However, there are some important tips to remember and use when you are lifting, regardless of the object’s size or weight. Keep your back pain-free by following these simple steps:

  • Plan your lift prior to lifting
  • You should stretch prior to any lifting to warm up your muscles
  • Use dollies or other lift assist devices to help you when available
  • Only lift or carry what you can safely handle
  • Always lift with your legs and not your back
  • Never lift with a twisting motion
  • Always carry the load close to your body
  • Lower the load slowly and bend the knees
  • Use a co-worker if available to share the load

Our backs are a vital part of our body and health.  You should always remember to take care of your back on and off the job.   Do not take unnecessary risks when it comes to lifting.  As an employer make sure each employee is properly trained and protected from injury. It is good practice to have a safety program in place and proper training to avoid costly workers compensation claims.

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