Good Habits are Formed in Health and Wellness Rooms

Learning occurs when the brain creates a pathway of neurological activity through connections and repetition. When actions are repeated, your brain learns patterns of behavior and makes what we call a habit. Our brain acts similarly to a computer, whose cache memory stores frequently used information and makes it faster and easier to process. Fortunately, and sometimes unfortunately, once a habit is formed it is very hard to break.

Continuing the routine of rising for work and participating in a work environment preserves your employees’ daily habits. In the Health and Wellness Room, a full work week and daily schedule is maintained. This prevents a “slump” and/or the potential of developing bad habits.

Physical therapy and mental stimulation keep the mind and body active, all the while providing recuperation and bringing your employees back to the pre-injury workplace. Sometimes, even in better condition than they were prior to the injury. We encourage your employees to create new good habits that will follow them throughout their lives, professionally and personally.

Ten days is all it takes to create a “habit.” That means that in as little as two short weeks in the Health and Wellness Room, where workers are encouraged to get up and stretch and/or walk up to one hour a day (if the restrictions allow it), there are endless possibilities for your employees to become more alert and active in the workforce.

Being a Health and Wellness Room Coordinator, I have found I tend to keep a better schedule and keep productive on my days off. Forming a habit is much easier when you are rewarded for your actions. Through exercise we receive endorphins, or through studying we will get a good grade. With the Wellness centers, workers get education and rehabilitation, which in turns brings about feelings of accomplishment and triumph. With these feelings associated with rehabilitation, your employees are more apt to return to work ready to be productive and safe. In a learning environment they are also more likely to share information with fellow employees about proper ergonomics and encourage others to maintain a safe and dynamic workforce .

So get your injured employees on the track to learning good habits today. Knowledge is power and learning is contagious.

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