Back Safety – On or Off the Job!

It is estimated that 8 out of 10 Americans will have a back problem at some time in their lives. And no wonder – we have a knack for neglecting our backs! You might be a weekend athlete who might strain an underused muscle, someone with bad posture, and someone who lifts incorrectly or who is overweight, under stress, or out of shape and are setting the stage for a back injury.

Then there is the average American worker who sometimes is required to do manual labor at their jobsite. It is a good practice for employers to help educate these employees on proper lifting and safety awareness. Most people are active outside of work. An injury off the job or on the job is still an injury, and impacts productivity. So it is important to try and educate your employees on not only work back safety but back safety all the time. As an employer, showing concern for your employees on or off the job can only benefit you. Help yourselves avoid workers compensation claims, retraining, overtime paid to cover shifts missed due to injury, and help boost employee morale.

Safety should be taught to avoid accidents not in response to one. Proof:Positive can help your company evaluate your safety programs and help design a program to fit your company needs. Your employees can not only learn about injury rehabilitation but also learn on how to care for themselves outside of work as well.

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