Tom Hyatt
Tom Hyatt, founder and CEO of Proof:Positive Consulting, born the son of a logger in Northern California, was always inspired by the hard work and selfless ethics of his father and decided early to put his mind to work helping others. During high school he decided to take a regional occupation program (ROP) course focusing on health careers. He was given a fortunate opportunity to volunteer at a local emergency room, where he found his passion: helping people get well. He pursued this passion throughout college, and into his professional career - founding Proof:Positive Consulting in 1999.
While in high school Mr. Hyatt took college-level courses to work toward his Emergency Medical Technician certificate, which he then put to use as Ward Clerk for St. Elizabeth's Hospital Emergency Department. He worked in the EMS system for over nine years, in roles as an Emergency Room Technician and Manager of the Industrial Medical Clinic. During this time he also worked toward, and was awarded a Bachelor of Science degree in Health and Community Education from CSU, Chico.
Following graduation from college, Mr. Hyatt took a position with a company called Safety Plus Consulting that specialized in workplace safety and return-to-work programs. After only nine months of employment, Mr. Hyatt was promoted to the position of Director of Operations. Before he was able to take the reins, the company filed for bankruptcy - but Mr. Hyatt saw opportunity, and a chance to do it his own way. He started Proof:Positive with that opportunity in mind.