The Health and Wellness Room

Health and Wellness RoomBy providing injured workers with meaningful projects and ongoing training, The Health and Wellness Room keeps employees from falling “out-of-sight, out-of-mind” and returns employees to work 50 percent faster than disability leave spent at home. Here is how it works:

  • Injured workers attend classes to learn about safety and  proper medical treatment. 
  • Proof:Positive staff coordinates with claims adjusters and medical providers to ensure treatment is progressing on schedule.
  • Proof:Positive develops customized, productive activities—in cooperation with the employee’s supervisor and within physician’s authorization—that keep the employee working and on the payroll.
  • Attendance in the Proof:Positive program is mandatory, which provides accountability measures.
  • Work hardening prepares the employee to return to their original job.
  • The Health and Wellness Room eliminates time off, thereby acting as a deterrent of fraudulent or malingering claims.
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